Watch: OSA Early Career Professional Hesham Sakr, University of Southampton, UK, discusses replacing silicon with air–OSA Stories:
Reliable low loss guidance of ultraviolet and visible light in optical fibres has long been sought after for a wide range of applications. In solid glass fibres such guidance is limited primarily due to Rayleigh scattering and photodarkening effects caused by the UV itself. Hollow core fibres can avoid these …
In collaboration with our colleagues Sacha Medaer and Diego Di Francesca at CERN, we have recently published the first report of a detailed gamma and x-ray irradiation of a nested antiresonant hollow core fibre (HCF). Up to the maximum irradiated doses reached in the experiment of 100 KGy ad 240 kGy, respectively, virtually no radiation induced …
As the nonlinear fibre optics community know well, the “low nonlinearity” of hollow core fibres can be actually large enough to produce useful nonlinear effects, if both the peak power of the launched pulses and, to some extent, the gas pressure (hence the nonlinearity) inside the fibre are suitably turned …
Our researchers at the Hollow Core Fibre group have gathered for an away day to showcase and celebrate the success achieved so far in the projects ‘LightPipe’ and ‘AirGuide’… So good to reconnect with the wider group after a long time working from home!
Guiding light in solid glass is limited by Rayleigh scattering, tiny fluctuations in the glass density, Hollow Core Fibres don’t suffer from this limitation. Hesham Sakr and team have published results for a collection of hollow core fibres guiding light lower than solid glass fibres at wavelengths 660, 850 and …
We presented a new record low loss result at the OFC 2020 post-deadline session, halving the previous record we presented 6 months ago, at the European Conference of Optical Communications in September 2019. The fibre developed was of the NANF variety (Nested Antiresonant Nodeless Fiber),
The University of Southampton’s world-leading Optoelectronic Research Centre (ORC), based in the Zepler Institute of Photonics and Nanoelectronics, has announced significant breakthroughs in hollow-core fibre (HCF) technology at ECOC2019 in Dublin this week. The breakthrough presented this week unveils hollow core Nested Antiresonant Nodeless Fibre (NANF) with a loss of …
Watch: OSA Early Career Professional Hesham Sakr, University of Southampton, UK, discusses replacing silicon with air–OSA Stories:
Hesham Sakr presented this record breaking result at CLEO Munich last week. The team made a NANF fibre to guide high power laser light in the 1µm region which demonstrates the lowest loss of any hollow core fibre at this wavelength. We report the fabrication of a 439 m length of Nested …
PhD Students Andrea and Will showcased their research on optical fibres at the Research Showcase event this week, part of the Festival of Doctoral Research: They showed how optical fibre is made by making some from sugar and using it to demonstrate total internal reflection. Lots of people gathered …