Radiation hard HCF tested by CERN

Radiation hard HCF tested by CERN

In collaboration with our colleagues Sacha Medaer and Diego Di Francesca at CERN, we have recently published the first report of a detailed gamma and x-ray irradiation of a nested antiresonant hollow core fibre (HCF). Up to the maximum irradiated doses reached in the experiment of 100 KGy ad 240 kGy, respectively, virtually no radiation induced attenuation was observed – as compared to 2 and 3.5 dB/km measured in the best solid core radiation hard fibre.

This is not unexpected: although the glass photodarkens due to the creation of colour centers, in our HCFs less than 0.01% of the light ‘overlaps’ with the glass, making these fibres the best possible medium to transmit light in environments subject to very high ionising radiation doses.

Examples could be: long space missions (e.g. #nasa), nuclear decommissioning facilities (e.g. #nuclearenergy#sellafield), high energy physics experiments (#cern), nuclear fusion reactors (#iter#nuclearfusion ), etc.

More information about the experiment and the fascinating photolytic effects that occus in gas-filled HCFs under strong radiation can be found: